Foundation pieced.
Print or trace the block diagram onto your foundation paper. Number and cut out as follows. Remember you can click on the picture to see a larger image.

Foundation piece each section and trim the seam allowances to exactly ¼".

Complete the horizontal sections. As usual, I carefully lined up the intersecting seams and sewed about half an inch of seam there before sewing the rest of the seam.

Attach the top four horizontal sections. Make sure that they're all exactly parallel to each other, in other words, STRAIGHT. If one is off, the whole block will be skew.
Attach the right hand vertical strip, making sure to line up the ends properly. I attached freezer paper to these strips as well, which helps immensely in know where the seams will be.

Attach the left horizontal strip.

This is what the back of my block looked like at this point.

Attach the bottom strip.
