Thursday, July 1, 2010


Two blocks in one week!
And we can now officially say we're 90% done with the blocks.

Out of background fabric, cut:
two pieces 1 3/4” x 2 1/2”
one piece 2 1/2” x 3 1/2”

Out of main block fabric, cut:
two pieces 1 3/4” x 3 1/2”
one piece 2 1/2” x 2 1/2”
Sew the three 3 1/2” long pieces together.
Sew the three 2 1/2” long pieces together.
Cut the larger pieced section into two 1 3/4” wide sections.
Sew the three pieced sections together.
Using the applique method you prefer, applique the four kites onto the block.
I used "freezer paper inside".


  1. Congratulations on reaching the 90% mark! There is only one way to go now -- to a finished quilt!

  2. Oi...escrevo em português, espero que me entendas...
    Seu blog é ótimo, sou sua seguidora e também entrei na saga Dear Jane.Tomo seu blog como lição e exemplo.
    Parabéns pelos 90% atingidos...e por favor, não tire suas explicações do blog, senão não conseguirei terminar o meu!!!!

  3. Thanks for your comment on pinsandthimbles, Anina. I've been following this blog for so long, maybe it's rubbing off on me!! I really appreciate the instructions and used them last night for 'Bachelors' Buttons' and 'Jane's Tears', which look great.

  4. Thank you anita for this blog. I have told a lot of people about it.
