I chose to foundation piece this block, but you can certainly rotary cut and piece it if you prefer. I think hand-piecers especially will be fine if they did that.
Print or trace the block diagram onto foundation paper.
Number and cut out as in the photo. I foundation pieced the center section as well.

Foundation piece the sections. Trim all seam allowances to 1/4".

Complete the top and bottom sections.

Sew the top, middle, and bottom sections together.

Trace the little melons onto freezer paper and cut out. Iron onto your background fabric. I was at first planning to do the applique with the freezer paper on top, but in the end went with the freezer paper on the inside of the shape. The jury is still out.

Mark the center of the center square to help with applique placement. Applique the melons onto the center square.

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