Book vs. CD: Once again, the diagram in the book differs from Jane's actual quilt. It is just fine to leave it the way it is, but if you want to be more accurate, just reduce the size of the "melons" a little bit.
I always describe the method I used to construct the block over here. This is not written in stone. You can always use whichever method you feel most comfortable with.
You will need freezer paper for this block.
Cut two 3 1/4" squares from your dark fabric and four 3 1/4" squares from your light fabric. Applique can made your blocks "shrink" a little so I like to cut the squares a little bigger than necessary and trim them down afterwards.
Trace or print the block pattern onto the non-shiny side of the freezer paper. Accurately cut it into 4 squares following the lines in the diagram.
Cut the inside out of the "melons" on two of the squares.
Cut out the melon shapes on the other two squares.
Using a hot, dry iron, iron the squares (with the inside of the melons cut out) onto the center of your dark fabric squares.
I like to use the "freezer paper on top" method for "normal" applique. If you Google "hand applique", you will find a wealth of other methods.
Iron the melon shapes you cut out onto the right side of an extra piece of dark fabric, making sure to leave at least 1/2" between them.
Cut them out, leaving a little bit less than 1/4" seam allowance around the outside edge.

Cut out and clip the inside of the first two melons as described when we made block C-9.
Baste everything in place. Make sure you position the dark melons accurately on the light fabric squares.
Remember to baste more than 1/4" in from the edge to leave room for the seam to be turned under.

For the melon squares:
Use the reverse applique method described in block to reverse applique the melons, positioning your light fabric squares behind the dark ones as the background.
For the patches we cut out:
Using the edge of the freezer paper as a guide, turn the seam under as you go like we did in reverse applique, except that this is an outside edge. Using a small invisible stitch, applique the melon patches onto the light fabric squares. I found this web site to help you with the invisible stitch. It is VERY important not to sew too far into the fabric. If you turn the needle a bit you can actually have it come out almost horizontally on the edge of the fabric. The goal is for the stitches not to be visible at all.
Trim all the squares down to 2.75". Make sure all your appliques are still centered on their squares.
Sew a light square to a dark square. Repeat with the other two squares. Check the photo of the block to ensure that your melons are pointing in the right direction.
Press the seams toward the dark squares.
Sew the two resulting rectangles together, once again checking the photo.
Press the seams.
A-7: Dad's Plaids

(I had a very hard time describing this one. If you need any clarification or notice an error, please let me know.)
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