Print or trace the block diagram onto foundation paper. Extend the diagonal lines through the leaf shapes as in the photo, cut out, and number the sections.

Foundation piece the numbered sections and trim their seam allowances to 1/4".
Out of main block fabric, cut a square 3" x 3".

Sew a pieced section to the top and bottom of the main fabric square. Press the seam allowances toward the pieced sections.

Sew the other two pieced sections to the remaining sides of the square but DO NOT sew into the seam allowances, i.e. start and stop the seams about 1/4" from the edge of the section. See detailed photo below.

Sew the remaining (diagonal) seams by placing the sections right sides together, sewing from the outside edge, and stopping the seam at the seam line (i.e. the corner of the square).

Cut the leaf shapes out of main block fabric and applique into place.