Saturday, February 13, 2016

First Block!

Here she is - Block A-1 - Pinwheel Gone Awry!
I have the software so the way I make my paper pieced blocks is as follows:

1. I print out the diagram from the software. I don't use the foundation piecing templates because I've found that many times their numbering doesn't work for me.
It's important to make sure you have the block size set to 4.5" x 4.5" and measure it when you print it because some printers will resize things. Be sure to set your printer not to do that.

2. I mark all the sections that will be sewn in the print fabric with two little hashes.

3. Number them following the instructions.
30's Jane A-1
4. I cut out the sections and score them along the seam lines because I use the freezer paper foundation piecing method to make my blocks.

5. I cut the fabric in strips determined by the size of the sections. I feel that this wastes the least fabric. This is a little bit subjective. For A-1 I used 2 1/4" strips.
A-1 in Progress
And, for fun, a picture of my sewing space.
Where I sew
If you've made this block, please share!
You can post it to the Flickr Group, post a picture on Instagram and tag it with #thatquiltjanealong, or post a picture on the Facebook page.
I'm hoping to also create a link list soon where you can link to your blog posts. Just figuring out the technicalities...


  1. Muchas gracias. Este va a ser mi segundo dear jane. En cuanto tenga mi bloque A1, mandare la foto. Muchas gracias de nuevo y saludos desde Sevilla, España.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love your site! It has inspired and helped me with my Baby Jane so much! I have completed 113 blocks, 7 triangles, for a total of 2,376 pieces so far. Again, your site and your generosity mean so much to me. Thank you❤️

  4. Hi Anina!
    I just finished A-1 ready for the next one:)!
    Which fabric do we use next

    1. Pink for A-2. I'll do a post later today. :o)

  5. Can't wait
    I've wanted to do this for a long time;)!!!!
