Tuesday, February 16, 2016

A-2 - Kind of...

I made block A-2 yesterday. I may redo it because I'm not totally happy with it.
30's Jane A-2
I used this elephant fabric and I don't like it for two reasons:
1. The block sections are quite small, resulting in too many elephants missing body parts.
2. I made block A-1 using elephant fabric too, so this is getting to be a little too much like a jungle.

If I remake it I'll use a floral print.
I cut 1 1/2" white strips and 2" pink strips for this block.
30's Jane A-2
If you've made this block, please share!
You can post it to the Flickr Group, post a picture on Instagram and tag it with #thatquiltjanealong, or post a picture on the Facebook page.
I'll periodically share blocks made by Jane-along participants over here.

1 comment:

  1. I like your block, but I do see what you mean about the missing body parts...
