Friday, January 28, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Filling in the gaps

Now that we have the corners on, it's time to fill in with the rest of the triangles.

Once again, I prefer the "chunky" assembly method. I sewed a plain triangle to each pieced triangle first.

And then attached them all to each other.

After that, we can sew the strips to the corners. Remember how you only sewed about 2" into the second triangle when attaching the corner sections? That was so that you could attach the "inbetween" triangles more easily.

Now you should have this:

And, once again, I marked those little seam points.

Stay tuned for another "ta-da!" moment.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Triangle Wrangling

So now your quilt center is all assembled because I inspired you and you hopped right to it. Right?

You're ready to attach the triangle border. The quilt top weighs about 3lbs. The corners have set in seams with 27 triangles between each two corners.
And you have to line up each triangle with the sashing between the blocks.
Scared yet?

You could make a border "frame" and then attach it to the quilt center.
I tried to imagine maneuvering that under the sewing machine and knew I'd have to come up with something easier.

Here's what I did.

First, you have to cut 56 setting tri's. You can cut them in batches. That's my plan. My attention span is just too short to cut 56 triangles in one sitting. Mark the seams just like you did with the blocks.

Pick one corner kite, two blocks on either side, and six setting tri's and assemble them into a corner unit as below. The markings on the triangles (see my previous post) will help you with accurate assembly.

Repeat this for all four corners.

Next, mark seam positions on the quilt top. If you're using a disappearing marker like me, just mark the corner and two blocks out each way because marking more will just disappear overnight. (Yes, the one marking is in the wrong spot. I fixed it after I took the photo.)

Now attach those little corner sections to the quilt top, sewing the seam only about two inches into the second triangle. Once again, all those little marks will make lining everything up a breeze.

Make sense?

Today I hope to finish the triangle border.  Stay tuned.

(If you're interested, I have a couple of disappearing markers over here.  Just email me and I'll give you the details.)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Accuracy is key

While a little bit of fudging on block sizes was OK, when attaching the triangles, accuracy is far more important.
I marked the seam intersections on each corner with a disappearing marker, making it easier to line up the blocks correctly when making the triangle border.

Monday, January 24, 2011


I spent the WHOLE day yesterday working on Jane.
Top done!
Can you see that I've even started attaching the triangles?

(For those with questions: After you've assembled the top, you have to add a 1/4" (yes 1/4"!) border all the way around or the triangle border will not fit.)

Sunday, January 23, 2011


It's funny how time "heals all wounds". Most of the blocks I was sure I was going to remake now look OK. Finished is better than perfect, right?

This one, however, stuck out like a sore thumb, color-wise:

Since I'm trying to complete the top assembly today, I had to quickly make a substitute.
I used my own instructions. They work quite well, if I must say so myself.

Friday, January 21, 2011


I have made a little bit of progress on my quilt top since the last post.

This, however, has made me determined to finish it this weekend.

Robin of Crafty Musings has finished the center of her quilt top. She's moving on the the triangles.
Isn't the green absolutely stunning?
She's been doing blog posts about her blocks all through this process. You can see them on her blog.
Did I mention that she hand pieced all these little blocks?

Congratulations Robin!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chunky Assembly

Can you tell I'm really inspired to finish this?

I've had a couple of questions about my assembly method, so I thought I'd explain how I'm doing it.

The first way that came to mind was, of course, to sew the blocks into rows and then sew the rows together.
I did not relish the thought of having to sew 13 very long rows together, so I devised the "chunky" plan.
I'm sewing the blocks together in sections of 4 or 5 wide by 3 or 4 high.
I then assemble these sections into a wider "row".
In the end I will have only 3 long seams to sew. Woohoo!
The "chunk" on the left consists of blocks H-1 to J-5.
The chunk on the right will be H-6 to J9, which I will then attach to the first one.
The last chunk for this section will be H-10 to J-13.
So, when I'm done with this "row", it will have H-1 (at the top left) to J-13(at the bottom right) and I can sew this to the 13-block-wide section above it.  You can see that in yesterday's post.

Does that make any sense?

Monday, January 3, 2011


Jane and I spent a little bit of quality time together this weekend.

I have new incentive to finish her and her sister Rainbow.
I'm a crazy nutcase, but since I've put 30's Jane up in the store, I haven't been able to keep myself from dreaming about her.  Is there such a thing as a Jane-o-holic?

I am, however, not allowing myself the indulgence until Jane and Rainbow are D-O-N-E.