Out of background fabric, cut two squares 3" x 3".
Out of main fabric, cut two squares 3" x 3".
Draw a diagonal line corner to corner on the back of each background fabric square.

Put a background fabric square and a main fabric square together right sides together and stitch a seam ¼" away on each side of the line you drew. Repeat for the other pair of squares.

Cut apart on the drawn line.

Press each little square open.

Cut each square in two on the diagonal.

Match the triangles up in pairs so that a background and main fabric section line up with each other and sew them together to give you four little "hourglass" blocks.

Trim each of these blocks to 1 ½" exactly.

Out of background fabric, cut two strips 1 ½" x 3" and sew the little hourglass squares to these as in the photo.

Now we'll get our dose of foundation piecing.
Trace or print the block diagram onto foundation paper.
Cut out the center section and number as below. Make sure that you cut this section out orientated correctly or your "hourglasses" will be on their sides. (Trust me.)

Foundation piece the two sections and trim their seam allowances to ¼".

Sew the sections together.

Attach the top and bottom strips you made earlier.

I love your step by step photos. These are so helpful to beginners and experienced alike.